
by Ovio Compras



Just by writing a message you can find any product you need in a nearby store through direct communication with the seller.Just choose a product category and write a message describing what you want.Your message will be sent simultaneously to all nearby merchants subscribed to that product category. It will be the equivalent of visiting all those stores at once, so you can compare prices and save time!In this way you will maintain your privacy without having to share your phone number.You can also mark your favorite shops and communicate with them quickly and efficientlyIf you are a business you will receive messages from users who are looking for the product you sell and you will only have to answer them as if they had entered your store, because they are ten minutes away wanting to enter to buy it!How does it work?If what you want is to buy:1. Choose the product category you want (fashion, sports, hardware...)2. You will appear located on the map along with all the nearby stores that may have the product you are looking for3. Next, you will be able to write a message describing the product and soon you will receive answers from the sellers who have it so that you can talk to each one of them, solve your doubts, reserve the product, etc.If you want to sell:1. Register your business in a product category and wait to receive messages from people looking for what you sell.2. When you are interested in a message, you just have to click on it and attend to it as if it had entered your store... It couldnt be easier!